Anglicana - live review

Studio 2, Parr St. studios, Liverpool. Review by Denis Parkinson

(Liverpool Acoustic)

First was Reid Anderson, a solo performance on acoustic guitar with the exception of opening song “We Would Have Noticed the Moon” which was atmospherically delivered on piano. An engaging, characterful start, full of sadness and resignation. Delivered in a style reminiscent of the mythical parts of America that it might not be quite safe to visit when there’s a full moon in the sky.

Reid’s music is Americana with a gothic influence. Traditional but with a modern twist; confidently and skilfully delivered. Memorable tunes and thoughtful lyrics. Standout songs “Your Lullaby” and “23 Skidoo” were highlights of this short but powerful set. Reid’s voice is rich and resonant. Imagine a waltz being played by a lone musician under a big top in a well-travelled circus that’s seen much better days. A true pleasure.